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Flexible Cut-up Systems

The lines just run!

Foodmate Flex Cut-up System is one of the market’s most advanced Cut-up systems, offering excellent efficiency and flexibility. The Flex Cut-up System combines the advantage of the optimal solution for whole bird distribution based on grade and weight as well as the optimal logistics solution to deliver chicken parts to any desired location inside the plant.

Leading Technology in Cut-Up Solutions

Flex Cut-up System

Foodmate Flex Cut-up System can be controlled by advanced ChickSort weighing and InVision Grading Software to help optimize bird utilization based on weight and grade throughout the process effectively by increasing A grade pack out and increasing yield value throughout the entire process. The lines can be configured with by-passable bird unloaders and by-passable Cut-up modules.

Modules can be customized according to your processing needs. The system is able to handle all basic cuts, such as wings, breast, whole legs and drum and thighs with a speed of up to 6000 birds per hour on 12” centers and up to 7200 birds per hour on select cuts on 10” centers.


See the Flex Cut-up system in action

In 2016, Foodmate delivered and installed one of the largest Cut-up, grading and whole bird distribution systems installed by an American processor. The entire project consisted of six Flex Cut-up lines comprised of 1.2 miles of overhead conveyor and 6200 Cut-up shackles. The system can process a stunning 37,800 birds per hour.

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Customized for your needs

Efficient & Flexible

Meeting the highest standards

Foodmate Flex Cut-up System is a flexible Cut-up System, designed to keep maintenance and sanitation to a minimum without compromising performance and quality. One of the unique features is the self- correcting magnetic Cut-up Shackle which prevents shackles from miss-feeding into the cutting modules.


Because chicken appreciates a clean cut.

Leading Technology in Cut-up Solutions

Catered to our clients’ specific needs, solutions range from a self-contained frame type Cut-up system, to sophisticated computer and vision camera controlled flexible Cut-up systems that can deliver product to any desired location inside your Cut-up area.


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